Article 4 - Global trade in the Age of Populism


  • Jeffry Frieden



Populism, trade, trade policy, economic integration, geopolitics


The growth rate of world trade appears to be slowing. Some of this slowdown is undoubtedly due to the combined impact of the global COVID pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and tensions between the United States and China. However, broader, more general, factors are also at work. Trade depends upon cooperation among the principal economic centers, and both economic and political trends have called this cooperation into question. Within the advanced industrial countries an upsurge in "populist" sentiment with an economically nationalistic tenor often expresses explicit hostility to "globalist" approaches to economic cooperation. These domestic political pressures in particular call into question the future of international economic cooperation.


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How to Cite

Frieden, J. (2022). Article 4 - Global trade in the Age of Populism. Perspectivas - Journal of Political Science, 27.